يناير 9, 2018
يناير 9, 2018
يناير 9, 2018
يناير 9, 2018


Each 1 g contains:

Tiamulin hydrogen fumarate……………………………………….450 mg.


Tiamulin is a semi synthetic diterpene class antibiotic derived from pleuromutilin.

It produces it’s bacteriostatic effect by binding reversibly to the 50Sribosome subunit of

The organism resulting in inhibition of microbial protein synthesis.it has good activity against many G+ve bacteria including Staphylococcus spp. & streptococcus spp. &it also has good activity against

Mycoplasma spp. & Spirochetes


It is used for treatment of respiratory diseases caused by Mycoplasma spp. Sensitive to tiamulin

Target species: Broiler chickens & turkeys.

Dosage & Administration:

Orally via drinking water 0.05 g of the product/kg b. wt. (Eq. to 0.5 g of the product / liter drinking water) per day for 3-5 consecutive days.

Warnings &precautions:

Provide clean drinking water.


-Not to be used with animal hypersensitive to tiamulin.

-Do not administer products containing ionophores such as monensin,


Non in the recommended dose.

Withdrawal time:

Broiler chickens slaughter 3 days.

Turkeys slaughter 5 days.

Storage conditions:

Stored in dry place at temperature not exceed 30 C to be used immediately after opening & reconstitution.

Pack.  :

Plastic (HDPE) container 111 gm